Home Tech Tips What You Need to Know About App Store Optimization

What You Need to Know About App Store Optimization

by kaburulu

Just when you thought you’d mastered the basics of global and local SEO , if you’ve recently developed an app for your company, then you’re about to be hit with another acronym to make you groan – ASO (App Store Optimization). While explained by many as the SEO of App Stores, the purpose of ASO isn’t just driving traffic to your site (or rather, app); it’s about getting people to download it. ASO then, is more about conversion than traffic or ranking.
app store optimization
Keywords are Key

As with SEO, you’ll need to put in your research here and use keywords and search terms that will lead your target market to your app. Conduct a competitive analysis and find out the keywords that the big players are using. It’s about balance, so while some keywords may be worth competing for, organic traffic will also lead the right users to your app if your content is fully optimized.

Your App’s Name is Crucial

And so is your icon. They both need to be catchy and memorable. They have to stand out in a sea of other apps and you should include keywords in your title. Google Play is strict when it comes to the amount of characters allowed in your app name, so it can be hard to choose the right name for your app that stands out, influences your ranking and complies with both Google and Apple’s changing demands. If you need help with this, try the services of an expert content marketing professional like BrightEdge .

The Right Category & Price

You’ll obviously want to choose a category that is relevant to your app, but going for the top category in your area may not always be the best idea, as the level of competition is probably fierce, making visibility of your app harder. So take into account category relevancy and competition levels.

As part of iOS 8, Apple has now introduced subcategories, which can help boost your ranking if chosen carefully. As for the price, it may be hard to place a value on your app, but keep in mind that the majority of apps are free , so are customers going to download and pay for your app when they can get another for free? Most companies offer a free up with upselling and upgrading options.

App Localization

If you do business globally, then you’ll have heard about localization . This applies to the App Store too. UK users will use different search terms from US users; your target in Japan will speak a different language from your target in France. Remember to localize your descriptions and content for each market your app is available in to ensure maximum success.

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